Who: Dr. Crystal Maxwell, M.D., MBA, FAAFP, founder and Chief Executive Officer of LIGHT Family Wellness. Dr. Maxwell has been a resident of Indian Land for the past 7 years along with her husband and 9 year old daughter. Dr. Maxwell previously served as the Chief Medical Officer of a community health center in Jefferson, SC for the past eight years.
What: LIGHT Family Wellness, opened October 1st of this year, operates as the ONLY Direct Patient Care family medical practice in Indian Land! Dr. Maxwell offers UNLIMITED office and televisits, ZERO copays and near WHOLESALE prescriptions all at the monthly cost of a cell phone bill!
When: The first day of operation was October 1st of this year. The standard office hours are Mon-Thurs 9a-4p but Dr. Maxwell is always available via cell phone or email.
Where: LIGHT Family Wellness is located at 2021 Bridgemill Dr Suite 102, Indian Land, SC 29707. They can be reached online at www.lightfamilywellness.com and on Facebook @lightfamilywellness.

Why: “LIGHT is an acronym, and it is important that it is capitalized”, Dr. Maxwell explains. She continues, “LIGHT stands for Living In God’s Holy Temple”. Dr. Maxwell shares that she believes that our bodies should be taken care of holistically, because that’s how God intended. Because of her strong faith in God’s word, and her personal experience as a survivor of congestive heart failure at the age of 30, she was led to open LIGHT Family Wellness. Establishing a membership based practice allows her to spend much more time with her patients than traditional insurance allows.
How to support: Please stop in or visit online and schedule an initial consultation for yourself, your family or your organization today!!!
Do you have a local business to highlight? Contact Brad Williams at bradleycurtiswilliams@gmail.com to have your local business featured!