The Fort Mill Planning Commission is expected to vote Tuesday on a sketch plan as developers seek to build a new subdivision with 24 single-family homes off on West Hensley Road.
Developers with “Land Investment Resources” want the planning commission to review and approve a sketch plan for a 8.2-acre subdivision in the town limits. The area is located near Doby’s Bridge Road and adjoins the existing Savannah Place residential subdivision.
Town planners started talking to developers in May on the proposal, according to commission notes. Original plans were amended to include sidewalks on both sides of all internal streets, open space, appropriate cul-de-sac and street design. In addition, there is an appropriate ramp to meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements as well as a mail kiosk.
At Tuesday night’s meeting, town staff will recommend approval of the sketch plan, a concept plan that shows the general layout of the lots, street rights-of-way and open spaces. The next step would be for the applicant to submit the preliminary plat, which would also be reviewed by the planning commission. (Story continues below)

Among the commission’s choices: 1. Approve the sketch plan. 2. Approve the sketch plan with modifications. 3. Do not approve the sketch plan.
The sketch plan indicates a total of 24 single-family, detached lots on 8.2 acres for a proposed density of 2.96 dwelling units per acre. The maximum density in that zoning district is 3 dwelling units per acre. Also, 20 percent of the gross acreage is required to be set aside as dedicated open space, which is provided in the plan.
A Transportation report shows the impact of the new development would be an additional 280 daily trips with 22 AM peak hour trips and 26 PM peak hour trips.
Tuesday’s meeting of the Planning Commission will take place online with live viewing available. Request Access by emailing before 5 p.m. on July 21 to Penelope G. Karagounis, Planning Director, at
Public Access to meeting by phone: Dial toll-free 1-877-309-2073 and use access code 136-060-525.