The Fort Mill Town Council agreed Monday to close down Main Street and allow alcohol consumption for a series of four Downtown Jams this year.
One of the organizers, Hobo’s owner Jason Cloud, promised family-friendly events for the street festivals with more children’s activities, crafts and food trucks.
The Saturday events are planned for April 13, June 29, Sept. 21, and a final one sometime in December. The events will be held from 3-9 p.m., but the streets will be closed starting at 2 p.m. for setting up. “These were a lot of of success last year,” Cloud said.
Mayor Guynn Savage said she attended most of the events last year when they were named Main Street Jam. “I thought they worked out very nicely. I do appreciate the need to add some things for children because there seem to be quite a few families and not as much for the kids to do,” the mayor said.
The council voted unanimously Monday morning to designate Main Street (Tom Hall Street to Academy Street) as the site of a festival in which “alcoholic beverages may be consumed, and to authorize a special event permit for live music and sound amplifying equipment.” Council members Chris Moody and Trudie Bolin Heemsoth were absent from the meeting.
Councilman Larry Huntley said he previously voted against the public consumption of alcohol for the Strawberry Festival but was pleasantly surprised at the way people behaved with alcohol present. So he asked Cloud to make sure to continue monitoring the situation with the Downtown Jams.
Cloud said alcohol sales are well organized with proper procedures and police presence.

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