Seven vehicle break-ins were reported over the weekend in the Cole Creek subdivision of Fort Mill. Only the unlocked vehicles were targeted.
Seven victims on Rock Lake Glen woke up Saturday and found their vehicles rummaged through with glove boxes opened and purses and wallets stolen, according to sheriff’s reports.
Victim Michelle Hohl said she accidentally forgot to bring in her flower-print purse, which contained $30 cash, a checkbook, her license and a Social Security card. The thief opened the door to her Chrysler van and took it, leaving other valuables.
“They left the expensive stuff,” she said. “They were just looking for wallets and purses.”
Hohl hadn’t seen any other crime since she’s been living at Cole Creek, which sits right next to the Barnyard Flea Market. But this makes her more cautious.
“Nervous? Yes,” she said. “I take my dog out at night. Now, I’ll turn my phone on just in case I need to call for help.”

There have been no arrests announced and fingerprints were reportedly hard to collect because of the rain.
Sheriff’s PIO Trent Faris said this is a good reminder for the public on crime prevention.
“Take just one extra moment before they go inside at night to lock their cars and take their valuables inside,” he said. “It was an easy crime that could have been prevented.”